Think indoor green with House Plants
What is it about green plants that makes us want to remove them from their natural environment, domesticate them, and put them into our home? Perhaps we enjoy being outside and we want to bring a piece of that experience inside. Perhaps we live in a high-rise, far removed from the country, and we’re looking for a way to connect with that part of our life that is missing. Or, we might just enjoy watching things grow and want to be a part of the action. Whatever the reason, growing plants inside allows us to actively connect with nature, up close and personal.
Just as a gardener uses plants to provide shape, texture, and color in the landscape, so too can you use house plants to decorate your home. Use them decoratively to complement your color scheme, or architecturally, as to emphasize the vertical line of a corner.
House plants have health benefits, too. Some are especially efficient as “clean air machines,” as they remove contaminants and carbon dioxide from the air and replace them with oxygen. Also, the daily maintenance you provide can give a sense of satisfaction and can even reduce feelings of stress.
At Wolf Trap, we have a great selection of house plants for you to enjoy. Here you’ll find orchids, ferns, palms, cacti, and jasmine, just to name a few. We welcome you into our tropical greenhouse and will be happy to help you select the plant that is right for you. We also welcome your questions and will do everything we can to help you succeed.